Sunday, April 4, 2010

Welcome to Planet Blue

 The Q? really did die last April Fools' Day.  My April Fools' joke was that you would think that entire adventure in New York City was an April Fools' joke.  Kinda a meta thing.  The reality is that it was a nice way to send off a part of my life that I've been carrying around, more and more without enthusiasm, for almost half a decade now.  The Q? would like dying in an glorious yet ridiculous manner.

Yeah, I renamed the blog.  Some of you may not be all that happy over it, though there's really nothing I can say.  "Tales From the Q?" makes no sense unless you know what "Q?" means.  And since Q?'s only definition is that it doesn't have a definition, how in the heck would I be able to explain all the complex and bizarre mechanisms surrounding the concept which only exists in my own imagination?  The whole idea was purely weird for weirdness's own sake, nothing more.  It isn't even all that funny, when you get right down to it.  I have to look at marketing this blog first, esoteric postmodern symbols second.  And the new title, despite being far more mundane, is clearly a lot easier on the brain.  Also I've retired the whole "Space Monkees" greeting largely because its too silly for my tastes these days.  When this blog moves towards the serious issues, it just sounds entirely wrong to start off calling my audience "Space Monkees".

"Planet Blue".  Its a pun off my Internet name.  I considered a few other names like:  "the Blue State".   I rather liked that name, but it was taken by a liberal political blog.  I'm kinda left-leaning, but I'd rather not associate myself so much with one kind of thinking.  There was also "the Blue Planet", but that was taken by an environmentalist blog.  I also thought of "the Blue Universe" and "the Blue Empire" but I abandoned both of those ideas fairly quickly.  Too many syllables.  Not catchy enough.  There was also "the Blue" but that makes this thing sound too much like its a blog focused entirely on the color blue.  (I'm pretty sure there has to be one blog based on a color.)  So instead I went with a name that might also be the name of a TV channel or a chain of theme restaurants:  "Planet Blue".  Altogether there were probably more clever named I might have found if I thought more, but I just wanted to get a new name quickly so I could move on.

RIP, Q?.  Here's the old title card in case you all miss it:


  1. And next year you will cease to be BlueHighwind and will instead take on some normal name like Eric or something and the year after that there will be no nonsense and the year after that no reviews and then no politics and before you know it this Blog shall cease to exist and we shall be without a guiding light in these troubled times.

    This is the future as I have forseen it and to think it shall all start with a simple name change

    not cool

  2. I think the Q? was a cool idea but the new name is alright. Just don't go changing too much otherwise the people who loved you for your eccentric approach may come out with 'you've changed man' and just up and leave.

    Eccentricity always outstrips mundanity.

  3. Q?'s definition of having no definition reminds me of that season on Seinfeld when Jerry and George pitched their show "about nothing" to NBC, for some reason. Man, I watch too much TV.

    I like the new name. It's sleek, futuristic.

    And the title card looks more professional. Nice job.

  4. Yeah, imagine it. I'll become more and more respectable and then I won't even be able to waste so much time writing blog because I'll have a job and a family and a reason to exist. Or this blog will actually gather a readership base and I won't be able to be irreverent and crazy as I used to be.

  5. Yo. Almagest here. I hate to be picky, but I do believe that your new card is in desperate need of a comma or two. A more serious blog (if that is indeed the direction this blog is headed) calls for more serious attention to editing. I'm just saying, y'know, first impressions, etc, etc. That will be the first thing newcomers to your blog will see, ya know?

    But I like the new name!

  6. Yo. Almagest here. I hate to be picky, but I do believe that your new card is in desperate need of a comma or two. If this blog does indeed become more serious, more serious editing would be required to attract a more picky audience than even myself. But the most important aspect is first impressions, since that card is the first taste of your blog new readers will have. Ya know?

    But I like the new name!

    I wrote up this comment once before (on this post, of course), but I don't see it anywhere...

  7. I like the new name, though I'll miss the Q?

  8. I like Q? better but I'll take Planet Blue. As long as that amount of eccentricity that captivates us all in the actual blog posts(trust me, even in your political blogs, you can tell because it's that good) don't dissipate, then a simple name change of the blog doesn't bug me. Just don't lose your personal writing style, because it's the main thing that separates you and your blog from millions of others I could be reading.

  9. The kickass Anime series "Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu" changed name to "Baka & Test - Summon the Beast" outside of Japan for no reason, but didn't drop that much in quality. Show us all that you can do the same!

  10. But you do know that your header now looks like this in Firefox, with the right border outside:

  11. I'm aware of the image problem. Its been fixed. This layout of Blogspot's default header image size, 730px, places the image in such a way that it sits JUST beyond the edge of the border. Its been killing me.

    I've now just given up on the entire blogspot program and have just re-uploaded the picture onto my computer and shrank it down 3%. Its all good now.

  12. It should have SOME sort of red in it. >_>
    --Red Highwing AKA Really NeoBahamut :P

  13. Well...I'm fine with the title. As long as you don't change the style of writing.

  14. I think the planet circle thing should change though. Make it more Atlantic Ocean Centered, not Euroasia centered...
    --Red Highwind
