Saturday, March 15, 2014

Nymph()maniac Vol 1 & II - VIDEO REVIEW

If you've noticed that there has not been very many posts this week, it was because I was watching "Nymphomaniac", the newest movie by Danish Nazi Lars von Trier.  I decided that a movie of such epic proportions could only be responded properly with a review of equally epic proportions, so here is what might be the first of many video reviews from me:

I'm reasonably happy with this.  It could be better, it could be far far worse.  I still think it needs to be funnier, I'm too nervous while I speak, I wind up falling into some semi-natural radio voice.  Criticism, suggestions, comments, whatever, are welcome, because no matter what you say, I am always my own most viscous and completely savage critic.

This took about three days to finally get together, and I assume the more I do, the faster they'll be made.  Changes are coming to this blog.  Consider yourself warned, but don't be too fearful of it, we're either going to become ten times greater or go right back to where we used to be.


  1. Well that was disturbingly different...
    Still I would be okay with you doing more video reviews like this, just as long as we don't have something this messed up again for a while. You promised back in the Piranha review that Planet Blue would not go down the dirty path.
    Okay with my complaining out of the way, great review and glad to have you back.
    Sword Of Primus

  2. Don't know if you saw, but they're making season 2 of DRRR

  3. This reminded me of Zero Punctuation to an extent. Now I wanna see one of these for The Grand Budapest Hotel, which a friend invited me to see last night as my first Wes Anderson film. I had no idea what I was watching but I was completely enamored with it.

  4. So, this is off-topic, but have you seen that Confederacy of Dunces might be Broadway bound?
