Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Disaster

I think we all know what's happened in Japan last night, and the sheer toll of devastation is still reeling in from news reports all around the globe.  Every media outlet is frantically pouring out info for the horrified world populace.  Today I had planned a review of "Drive Angry in 3D", but it seemed that simply posting a review without mentioning this nightmare was some kind of insult.  When you see levels of devastation so awful that they might be excepts of a "Godzilla" movie every moment on CNN, ignoring the situation is a crime in of itself.  Japan is the country that gives me practically half my subjects of discussion here at Planet Blue ("Bleach" alone accounts for like a quarter of my posts, I think), so you know my heart goes out to them.  And I do pray that the situation does not get any worse, those nuclear reports are getting nasty.

For the last few weeks I've been ignoring world issues as to deal with my own problems, but I feel that I should finally get back into the game.  I missed Wisconsin, I missed Egypt, I'm missing Libya right now, but I won't miss Japan.

Pray, hope, donate, volunteer, call loved ones, send aid.  God bless, good luck.


  1. Plain terrible. And what's even worse, conspiracy theorists are already at work, blaming the US HAARP program for causing the earthquakes. Give it a rest people :\

  2. An earthquake, and now the threat of nuclear radiation? This sounds like the setup to a Godzilla movie to me too.

    But in all seriousness, my heart goes out to Japan as well, and let's hope that this disaster brings some much needed social reform to the country.


  3. CthulululululululululululululugoddofmadnesssMarch 12, 2011 at 7:46 PM

    I am so sad about this... Did you see the disaster footage? plus, they are liekly to have aftershocks going up to 7.9 on the richter scale.... this is Insane, and an true tragedy. THERES A FUCKING VORTEX!!!!!!!! not to mention, 5 plants that are about ready to go hiroshima, over 1300 people dead, and Possible NUCLEAR CHEMICAL RAIN THAT WILL MELT YOUR FLESH! IM FUCKING SERIOUS! those poor japanese people.....
    Ill go take care fo godzilla, you got enough problems of your own japan..... but seriously, there is going to be nuclear rain, 5 more hiroshimas possible, and there is a vortex. these waves were powerfull enough to just sweep up buildings like they were nothing. In the footage, i saw a MALL just get moved about a couple 100 feet over. It almost defies belief.....

  4. A nuclear power plant that goes critical will not create an atomic explosion. There will likely be a large fire due to the heat, and certainly a lot of radiation, but nothing as dramatic as a nuke. It will, however, still be very bad, these people have had enough problems with radioactive fallout.

  5. CthulululululululululululululugoddofmadnesssMarch 13, 2011 at 5:04 PM

    Okay, so no more hiroshimas, but still- the chemicals from the fires in those various chemical plants which they were unable to put out? those fires can and will cause the nuclear rain i mentioned. its just so very tragic......

  6. There's this nut on YouTube who says that he prayed for this disaster. I believe that the appropriate thing to do to him would be to slash open his belly, pull out his intestines, and use them as a rope to hang him with.
